Surge in American Nationals Applying for Maltese Residency and Citizenship

US nationals are becoming more inclined towards investing and spending time in Europe. This global migration trend has been prevalent amongst Americans since lots of families have opted to relocate or seek alternative residence and citizenship options. Malta has been a favourite jurisdiction to help them achieve their goals as we uncover below.

Malta as a prime location for USA citizens

Malta is an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea with daily flights to major European and International business hubs. As a destination, Malta attracts many Americans due to its splendid climate all throughout the year. This is because the island enjoys 300 days of sunshine and very little downpours. Malta also offers variety in its vibrant standard of living, distinguished hospitality, precious historical sights, a multitude of cuisines offered by the many restaurants scattered around the island and an overall attractive Mediterranean lifestyle. In addition those relocating to Malta, find it easy to integrate with the local community as Malta’s official languages are English & Maltese.

A natural choice

With a significant low crime rate, Malta attracts the interest of many American families who are seeking Permanent Residence or citizenship in a European country offering a very safe environment for their families. Maltese nationals also enjoy free and good quality healthcare and education. The country offers political stability and is always open to encourage foreign direct investment into the country. As a result, many US nationals have set up their business in Malta and are now enjoying the benefits of the Maltese corporate tax system.

Malta Investment Opportunities for US Nationals

Malta is the smallest EU member state but nonetheless having a steadily growing economy. Whilst positively withstanding global instability, the country has experienced vast economic accomplishments. Malta is nowadays considered as one of the best countries where to conduct business and this has attracted the interest of many American entrepreneurs who are engaged in business and commerce.

Investing in Malta is favourable given the multitude of incentives being offered by the country, the island’s competitive tax regime and an advanced legal system. The investments can vary from property purchase, hospitality service businesses, insurance, banking and financial institutions, ICT and gaming setups and company formation with recruitment of highly skilled local workers who speak English proficiently.

Investment in Residency: the Malta Permanent Residence Programme

There are a number of investment migration routes available to US nationals. American expats can apply for Maltese residency through the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) which offers beneficiaries permanent residence in Malta from day one. The MPRP serves as an excellent Plan B since it does not necessitate physical residence to maintain its validity. Additionally, it provides an ideal second home option for Americans. The concept of the MPRP is to secure a long-term residence permit that can be activated when necessary.

Investment in Citizenship: the Malta Citizenship by Direct Investment

Alternatively, those seeking Maltese citizenship and an alternative passport, can apply through the Granting of Maltese Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment Regulations. To qualify under these residency and citizenship routes, applicants are required to make a contribution to Malta, give a donation to charity and rent or buy a property. In addition, applicants are to demonstrate and explain the source of wealth and funds and undergo a due diligence process.

Acquiring Maltese nationality does not require the renunciation of US citizenship as Malta allows dual and multiple nationality. For those who plan to renounce US citizenship, by acquiring a Maltese passport one would be maintaining the level of travel freedom and global mobility as the Maltese passport allows visa free access to over 190 countries including the US itself.

Maltese Citizenship with countless benefits

American investors choose Maltese Citizenship to:

  • Achieve visa free access to more than 190 countries
  • Acquire Maltese Citizenship which is also passed on to future generations
  • Be able to relocate and reside in any European country
  • Have the possibility to work and study anywhere in Europe
  • Obtain Dual Citizenship without having to renounce previous nationalities
  • Explore the opportunity to do business and invest in Europe
  • Reside in a favourable tax jurisdiction

The Maltese Citizenship by Direct Investment regulations offer a 1 year or 3 year residence route to citizenship. The applicants are required to show a genuine connection with the island, give a charity donation of €10,000 and pay a non-refundable contribution of €750,000 (1 year route) or €600,000 (3 year route) for the main applicant and an additional contribution of €50,000 per family member included.

Maltese Permanent Residence for life

Several US families have selected the Maltese Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) in order to procure permanent residence for life. This therefore means that the status is retained by all the family members and is even passed on to future spouses and future children of currently dependant kids.

The MPRP programme has three financial requirements:

  1. Settle a one-time government application fee:
    • €98,000 when renting a property OR
    • €68,000 if purchasing a property
  2. Choose a property for:
    • Rent €10,000-€12,000 per year OR
    • Purchase €300,000-€350,000
  3. Pay a charity donation of €2,000

In addition to the above, the applicant needs to confirm that s/he owns assets with a value of not less than €500,000 out of which a minimum of €150,000 is in the form of financial assets.

Why Americans choose Malta Permanent Residence

American nationals choose Permanent Residence in Malta to:

  • Gain visa free travel in the Schengen Zone
  • Achieve Permanent Residence from day one
  • Apply all together as a family in one application
  • Include all financially dependant children of any age, as long as they are not married
  • Include financially dependant parents and grandparents

Furthermore, the MPRP programme does not impose any minimum physical stay in Malta and this makes it attractive for US nationals who might wish to continue having the US as their base and are not ready to relocate to Malta on a permanent basis.

ACC Advisors Ltd is duly authorised to act as a licensed Malta agent and holds licence number AKM-ACCA.

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