Benefits of Naturalisation as a Maltese Citizen by Direct Investment
Until 2020, the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program, commonly known as the Malta Individual Investor Programme (MIIP) was one of the most popular citizenship by Investment programmes in Europe, as it granted several benefits. Moving As a Maltese national, one is able to travel freely to more than 170 countries without applying for a VISA, including the USA and Canada – while as a resident, one is able to travel freely only in the Schengen area instead – which does not include UK and Ireland.
Investment environment for Maltese citizens
Malta continues to attract foreign investors who are seeking to relocate, invest or do business in Europe while attainment a second citizenship. Indeed, its accessions to the EU and the Schengen Area in 2004 and 2007 respectively, as well as its stability in the political and economic arenas, have contributed significantly to its development into a fine European destination for relocation. Investors who gain Maltese citizenship by investment can benefit from all investment opportunities in Malta and throughout the EU which are open to Maltese and EU citizens. For the rest of their life. And they can also include children and parents in their application.
What are the advantages of becoming a Maltese citizen?
Investing in Malta to obtain a Maltese passport carries a lot of advantages that make it definitely worth applying for a Maltese passport. In details:

Malta IIP – A Fast Process of just 4 Months
The process to get a Maltese citizenship and therefore acquire a Maltese passport on investment is indeed truly fast and efficient, as the Citizenship is approved after only 4 months processing time.
Get Schengen Residence while you wait for your Maltese Passport
While you wait to get your Maltese passport on investment, you get your Schengen Residence status for 1 year prior to issue of passport, issued on application.
The Malta Citizenship is the first EU-approved citizenship programme
And it has so far granted access to the EU freedoms and Schengen mobility to many successful Maltese citizenship applicants and their families.
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Maltese Citizenship: Visa-free travel to 170+ destinations, including the US, Canada and UK
Malta’s and recently Cyprus’ Citizenship by Investment Programme offer the right to its citizens to access to the USA and Canada without a VISA. This means that once you obtain your Maltese passport by investment, you will not need to apply for any VISA and can enjoy VISA-free trips in those countries.
Maltese Citizenship is for life
Once you obtain your Maltese passport, you will have it for life, with renewals every 10 years. You may only be deprived of Maltese citizenship if you are found to have obtained it dishonestly, or if you are convicted of a serious criminal office within 7 years of becoming a Maltese citizen.
Enjoy top-rated, free healthcare as a Maltese citizen through investment
Malta enjoys one of the best health systems in the world. It has been ranked top 5 by the World Health Organization (WHO) report of medical systems worlwide. The health care in Malta is founded through national insurance and taxation, and citizens enjoy free medical services such as hospitalization, prescriptions, pregnancy, childbirth and treatments by specialists, thus covered by state fund.
Free access to University to all Maltese Citizens
Malta enjoys free public schools for children living both in Malta and Gozo. Also transport to and from school is free, as well as books and other school materials. The only thing parents will be required to purchase is the school uniform.
The University of Malta is publicly funded and is also free for Maltese citizens – while tuiton fees for non-EU students is currently up to €20,000. Naturalised Maltese citizens through the direct investment in Malta also enjoy a stipend and an allowance for academic-related expenditure when enrolled in the University of Malta.